Posted by dj on Oct 1, 2010 in
Zentangle |
This week, Rick and Maria (Zentangle founders) released a new official tangle, “betweed.” Betweed came about as the result of a typo in one of their messages to CZTs; Rick really meant “between.” The discussion and hilarity that followed quickly turned to what we all knew: betweed would make for a great tangle name. I saw betweed start popping up in Blog Zentangle. It is currently my favorite tangle. Want to...
Posted by dj on Aug 1, 2010 in
Zentangle Inspired |
One of the unique and beautiful things about Zentangle® is that you never know what your end result is going to look like. It’s like getting a special present when you are finished. Today when I completed a Zentangle-inspired piece, I was pleasantly surprised with my finished work. And, it is the gift that keeps on giving. With each turn of the work, I get a new present each time. This is the first time that the unknown outcome...
Posted by dj on Jul 25, 2010 in
Zentangle |
1 comment
…in the Owl’s Clover that is!
On July 24, Owl’s Clover in Fort Worth (TX) hosted this fun evening of Zentangle 101 with new faces, and new friends. If you are one of the tanglers from this evening, hello and welcome to my site! I had so much fun with this lively group who wasn’t afraid to interject their own words while tangling. My favorite comment of the evening was, “I checked my artistic license at the...
Posted by dj on Jul 19, 2010 in
Zentangle Inspired |
A fellow Certified Zentangle Teacher’s (CZT) husband is a therapist who recently began a public blog, sharing some of his observations ‘from his chair‘. What’s the significance? Among his missives are several excellent posts on Zentangle and how they relate outside the work of art box.
Zentangle is truly a gift that can adapt to so many uses. It’s benefits are many. Once more I find myself expressing my...
Posted by dj on Jul 19, 2010 in
Zentangle |
1 comment
It seems we have a pattern here. Mom comes to visit, we tangle. And that’s tangle in a good way. Having survived childhood, adolescence, puberty and young adult phases of daughter-mother relationships, we’re now enjoying the daughter-mother ‘friendship’ phase. It is truly enjoyable being able to share just about any conversation with each other, regardless of topic.
Zentangle is our ‘now’ topic and...
Posted by dj on Jul 12, 2010 in
Zentangle |
I have been extremely blessed to have very supportive parents. No matter what I wanted to do, they were (and still are) always there cheering me on. From ice hockey to sailing to showing horses, they are there. Zentangle is my latest venture. I have absolutely fallen in love with this art form, so much so, that my ever-supportive parents helped get me to last May’s Certified Zentangle Teacher seminar. As a CZT, I enjoy certain...
I recently joined a group of individuals who share Zentangle-inspired art through the mail. Similar in concept to the chain letters of the past, when the mood strikes you, you send out a piece of art to someone on the ‘official’ list. Unlike a chain letter, you get to pick and choose the person you send your art to, and there is no obligation to ever send anything. However, I feel compelled to participate (as I should,...
Posted by dj on Jul 9, 2010 in
Zentangle |
What are the odds of rain in July in Texas? Not likely. However, it’s raining, it’s July, and I’m in Texas. Nice quiet time to tangle! A Zentangle a day is as good as an apple a day. It’s helps get your brain relaxed and focused, and ready for the day. Just like yoga for your body, Zentangle is yoga for your brain. It’s meditative state often opens your mind to greater possibilities. What’s so...
Posted by dj on Jul 3, 2010 in
Zentangle |
It’s a kinda gray day. So I thought I would make my own sunshine. This simple little tangle is like the sun shining in through the window.
Have fun, and…
Tangle On!
Dragons Lair...
Posted by dj on Jun 27, 2010 in
Zentangle |
My girlfriend Lisa actually gets credit for this inspiration. She sent me some patterns today and one inspired this tangle. I didn’t know what to name it for about a week.
I was invited to assist a fellow CZT at a workshop she was holding. While there, another CZT also came to show her support. I was sharing my new tangle with her and mentioned I couldn’t come up with name. Kate immediately came up with...